Tuesday, May 03, 2011

And here I am again... months have passed and I forget about my blog though it is ever persistent in my brain. I thought I would maybe post about the birth of my baby girl 5.5 months ago.

November 13th, 2010 I woke around 3am to pee. I made my way back up the stairs and laid down, I was tired but unable to drift off comfortable. I put Married with Children on Netflix and watched that for a bit. I was just starting to drift off when I had my first contraction. It made my eyes snap open and I thought, hmmm... this is different but I wasn't placing too much emphasis on it because I had been having a lot of prodromal labor over the past few weeks. I closed my eyes again seeking some rest, I knew that she would be coming soon and knew I would need all the rest I could get. About a half hour later I had another wave that brought me to awareness... it was very different and I knew that something was going on. I laid watching TV, trying to get comfortable and within the half hour felt another one. It was at this time that I went downstairs to tell my husband that I thought that I was in the early stages of labor. I told him that I wasn't getting my hopes up but that these contractions felt different and that I remembered this 'pain' from our previous children.

He came upstairs, excited but exhausted. He fell asleep while I attempted to concentrate through my contractions (side note: I think I placed too much focus, too early on actually finally going into labor on my own.) I should have found something to busy myself but I was tired and made my way to the couch to relax. About 5am my very intuitive little girl came down to sit with me. She asked to nurse but my body was very on edge and uncomfortable overall, so I said not right now. I tried to rest with her but both of us knew something was happening within my body... so we watched a Disney movie together.

It was around 7:30am when I called my mother and told her that I was most definitely in labor. She bickered with me a bit saying she wasn't sure I was really in labor yet. I knew I was for many reasons. Though there was definite excitement in her voice. She said she would try and find a ride out to me. Around 9am she came and I was grateful, taking care of my little girl while I was uncomfortable just wasn't cutting it for me. We chatted for a bit, she made eggs and I bounced around on my birth ball. Things were starting to definitely get more and more uncomfortable.

I showered and woke my husband up. I told him it was definitely the day. I was ready. Around 11:30 both my husband and my mom were rubbing my back while I leaned across the birth ball. It was so relaxing my contractions eased up and slowly petered out. My mother was timing them to my frustration and kept saying to me that I wasn't in real labor yet. I moved downstairs at this time and cuddled up to my little girl, I dozed while my body mercifully gave me a rest. My body knew I was tired and it wasn't ready to move forward with anything until I had some rest. After about 45 minutes of resting things started to pick up again. I gave random updates on a few of the forums I belong to.

I then moved upstairs. My other children were roaming about the house freely, I showered periodically. I find it amusing that my oldest who most definitely did NOT want to be here while I labored came home from a long weekend with his great grandparents the very day (unexpectedly no less) that I went into labor. I kept trying to get comfortable but couldn't. It seemed no matter how I sat, laid, or stood I just wasn't comfortable. I wanted to move and started pacing and squatting. Hoping to push things along. My mother kept wanting me to lay down on my back or my side, she kept timing things and finally I told her enough. That this wasn't the labor I wanted, I didn't want to time things or be told how frequent, infrequent, regular or irregular my contractions were. I was going to just focus on how I was in labor and let things progress naturally like they should. In hindsight I probably should have educated her on exactly what sort of support I wanted... but I don't know that she would have heard me anyway.

As the day progressed so did my labor. I couldn't focus on much more than what my body was doing. Through each contraction my amazing husband massaged and rubbed and supported me implicitly. When I told him that I didn't feel I could keep doing this he told me that my body was designed to do this and that we would see this out to the end, together. He was awesome.

Around 11pm my mother decided to go home, a friend of mine drove her and then came to sit with us for a bit. I was squatting a lot at this time to help bring baby down into the birth canal. I could feel her, that it was getting close. I was super fascinated with what my body was doing... I had show and mucous flowing from me and while I focused on that the pain wasn't too bad. This happened when I miscarried as well... it was like falling into my head, focusing on something physical. It was around this time that my water broke and I decided to listen to baby's heart tones. Baby sounded good and I tried to lose the vibe that my mother had left behind.

I started to feel pushy, so I squatted down for a bit. There was a little blood and this happened to make my friend a little nervous. I wasn't worried yet but I think my husband internalized the fear. I asked if we could be alone for a bit. I stood up, he held me and we rocked for a bit. I got a really intense pushy pressure while I was standing there and he held my arms while my body pushed a bit on it's own. Blood poured down my legs, it wasn't a lot but enough that both of us felt a little concerned. We decided at that point it was probably best to head to the closest hospital.

I listened to the baby's heart tones one more time before we left. She was in the 160s, doing good. The ride to the hospital was hellacious. I felt every little pebble in the road, every bump jostled me in such a way that I went very deep within myself to avoid feeling it. We got to the hospital and it took forever to walk in. I had contraction after contraction as we were making our way. The weather had been warm up until this night where it had turned bitterly cold. I was barely dressed, had thrown a blanket over myself and wound up rocking through each contraction with my husband's arms around me. As I crossed through the door I hollered, Help! Someone help me please! When a man came around the corner I opened the blanket and showed him the blood that had ran down my legs, he rapidly called an orderly who wheeled over a wheel chair. They were asking me a million questions at this point and I wasn't really prepared for any of this. I, at this time, had no insurance and had administered my own prenatal care. Not something the hospital sees every day, I guess.

I was wheeled up to labor and delivery. The room was abuzz with activity and voices and I can remember as we were entering that I was sad because this was NOT how I had intended to bring my beautiful baby into the world. I let it go as quickly as I felt it because I knew it would be counterintuitive to the whole process at that point.

I was told to get on the bed and lay on my back, something I had not been able to do since 3am the following day. I kept telling the nurse that I was trying... that I wanted to comply but that I was very uncomfortable and wasn't sure exactly how I would do that. I sat down and popped back up again a few times before psyching myself into actually laying down. The nurse stressed how important it was to find the baby's heart tones. I told her I had recently listened to baby and that they were fine when we left. She proceeded to grill me on how I was able to listen.. How did you hear the baby's heart tones? I used a doppler. How did you get a doppler?? I bought one. And on and on with silly irrelevant questions. When is your due date? It was November 7th, I'm exactly 41 weeks today. Well how you could you possibly know your due date?? You didn't have an ultrasound. Uh... apparently I can count, I guess that's unheard of since technology stepped into the birthing process?

It was around this time that the doctor came in, lugging an ultrasound machine behind him. I was laying on my back and hoping the best as he squirted gel onto my belly. I asked him if the baby was ok and he snapped at me that he wasn't sure, that the u/s machine was not the best in terms of imaging. He proceeded to tell me he had to make sure baby wasn't breech (had he asked me I could have told him she was definitely NOT breech and that she was on my right side, head down in a good position... but what do I know, I don't have a doctorate degree.) and to make sure there wasn't a placental abruption (something that DID concern me, I could tell through doppler tones that the placenta was on my left side but wasn't sure just how far down it was. For all intents and purposes the placenta can be all over the place and I was worried that perhaps a finger of the placenta was near my cervix). He didn't say much and was rather gruff in how he handled my body. He shoved his hand into my vagina to 'determine how far I was' and said the bleeding just meant I was complete. 9cms and ready to push. He stabbed a monitor into baby's head at this point and I felt her startle inside me. That was when he told me she was in distress (ya think?) and that she needed to come out immediately. They proceeded to chant push, push, push and all I could think of in that moment was I don't have an urge to push at all and now I'm purple pushing. This was not what I wanted, what I envisioned.

I was threatened with a c-section, abused further. My husband wasn't informed of ANYTHING this doctor did to my body. I was pushing best I could but I really had zero urge. I then felt an odd sensation, like my pubic bone was breaking in half and I thought oh ring of fire.... but then I felt the doctor doing something to me and my legs shot out in fight or flight mode. It was horrible. Then threw my legs back and yelled at me that I needed to do this NOW OR I WOULD GET A CSECTION!!! The doctor had placed a vacuum on baby's head and was yanking her out of me, my body did not have time to properly open and that was the 'ring of fire' that I was feeling. I felt defeated at this time. I pushed with all of my might to get this over and done with, so I could finally meet my baby.

The doctor finally freed her from my body and she was whisked away. He yanked my placenta out (a huge NONO) and then shoved his whole hand inside of me to 'make sure he got everything', he was stitching me up with no pain medication when I asked what gender the baby was. Is it a boy or a girl?? The doctor snarkily said, girl. I was amazed, I grew another baby girl... a sister for Sissy and the boys. My husband went to meet his baby girl for the first time and came back to my bedside to tell me she was so beautiful. I was so relieved to have her Earthside, whole and beautiful. She weighed 9lbs 5oz and was just perfect.

I have some negative feelings about the way she came into the world but I can not change that. I had the most peaceful pregnancy and labor. I'm so glad she is here and a part of our family. She really is such a blessing and a joy, my little sunshine. She looks almost identical to her big brother Peanut. And she a happy little lark so long as she is attached to me. I really couldn't ask for more... my hands are full but so is my heart.

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