Thursday, September 23, 2010


I'm getting really uncomfortable lately.. the pelvic pain is starting to wear on me as is the sciatica and just general discomfort. It's hard to move, it's hard to get up and hard to get down. I'm trying not to get lost in the discomfort, it's counterproductive and will prevent me from focusing on the end. I know this.

Today, this morning, I had cramps that were 5-7 minutes apart for about an hour. Hubby was starting to get excited and asked me if today was the day... not yet, honey! It's much too soon! After a tall glass of water and a nice hot shower they petered out and while I've definitely had more of them than usual today, I've had no cervical changes that I can tell.

I'm just hoping that all goes well with my birth. My mom wants to come over tomorrow to talk about the things I want, my beliefs, etc. She'd really make a good doula (I think) and there's a part of me that's very much at peace with this decision. I know she'll be supportive, she's never necessarily been a mother to me but she's always, always been supportive of my choices, lifestyle, etc. She's always been my cheerleader and believed in me even when I've had a hard time believing in myself.

I guess I'm just feeling a little introspective right now... I am ready to meet this babe but know it's not time yet. I feel very little anxiety over it all, my biggest concern is the ability to go into labor on my own but I'm pretty sure I'll be just fine. Unhindered. Truly the way birth should be.

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